May 9, 2021

ETL (Extract,
Transform, and Load)

The pace of information technology is increasingly developing very rapidly nowadays. Almost every aspect of life can’t be separated from information technology, like communication, transaction, research & development, sports, medicine/healthcare, and etc. The more information technology develops, the data that will be exchanged in the process will simultaneously increase. It makes data come from various sources with various types. And in the 1970s/1980s, a healthcare organization claimed that they had validated the data, carried out transformations, and stored it into a data warehouse for the purpose of research and disease diagnosis. Then it became the forerunner for data integration. The goal is to integrate the data. ETL became the standard method for taking data from disparate sources and transforming it before loading it to a target source or destination...

Mar 14, 2019

Warung Pintar
Sang Pahlawan Warung Tradisional

Warung Pintar merupakan sebuah startup yang didirikan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas warung tradisional dengan bantuan teknologi. Warung Pintar sendiri merupakan solusi end to end yang bisa membantu para pengusaha warung mencari lahan dan dana untuk membuka warung baru, ataupun memperbaiki warung yang sudah dimiliki...